
在过去的十年里,非盟的学生生活得到了极大的改善, as evidenced by student satisfaction surveys and the numerous regional and national awards won by the office of Student Affairs, the elimination of the Greek system at Alfred University is replete with exciting possibilities for even more improvements. 这将有助于解决饮酒带来的严重健康和安全问题, 非法毒品, 一方面是希腊生活中特有的欺侮, 另一方面,它将真正改变学生宿舍和社会生活的景观, 从而为整个学生群体创造机会.

工作队研究的其他学院报告说, 阿尔弗雷德也是如此, 希腊宿舍在不同程度上在校园社会生活中发挥着重要作用, and social life-along with off-campus housing-is what distinguishes them from other student organizations. 其他群体有社交活动, 注重学术成就, 社区服务, 体育运动, 宗教, 或者其他几十种用途. 虽然这是事实,一些亲和团体, 比如荣誉项目, 希勒尔, 及语言学院, 有一个专门的住所, 只有希腊人把社交焦点和房子结合起来, 因此在学生生活中占有独特的地位. 如果我们的建议被接受, the elimination of Greek life will leave a hole in the social and residential life of our University.

But it will also create an opportunity to fill that hole by eliminating that which is negative about Greek life and preserving that which is positive. 与大学重视多样性和宽容的使命保持一致, 以及“培养学生批判性思考的能力, 沟通清楚 . . . 创造性地应对变化," the Task Force hopes that the changes brought about in response to its recommendation will focus and energize the campus community to compensate for the lost housing and social life by replacing them with housing and programs that serve as many students as possible rather than a select group, 然后放在保险箱里, 健康的, 经济的方式.


  • 一位试图重新定义“阿尔弗雷德教育”意义的新总统."
  • 校董会坚定地致力于大学的美好未来.
  • A small local community deeply dependent on the University for its economic health and hungry for more interaction.
  • 具有丰富经验的关键管理员, 知识, 以及在一个小乡村校园里处理住宿生活的人才.
  • A current climate of financial challenges to higher education in general and Alfred in particular which call for more efficient and equitable use of resources.
  • 有机会从阿尔弗雷德的朋友那里获得更多的支持和尊重, 校友, 以及高等教育的世界, all of whom may view a more vibrant living/learning community as enhancing the mission of the University.
  • The opportunity to continue attracting even better students and 教师 (which has been accomplished at some of the other colleges we studied).

The reports from other colleges and universities reveal certain similar actions undertaken to preserve the strengths of fraternal life and eliminate the weaknesses. The Task Force herewith presents some of the better innovations and changes as suggestions for possible implementation at Alfred.

1) Purchase those Greek houses that can be renovated by the University into special interest houses or other special housing needs (graduate students, 教师, 等.他们是否废除了希腊体系,还是对其进行了戏剧性的改革, nearly all the colleges we studied purchased the fraternity and sorority houses on or near their campuses. They required Greeks to live in college dorms or allowed them to stay in Greek houses under much tighter controls. This gave other student groups an equal chance at what was considered to be more desirable off-campus housing while simultaneously exerting more University control over the living conditions of their Greek students.

2)将居住要求提高到至少3年,可能是4年. It is clear that students benefit from a more structured residential environment after they leave home-something almost totally lacking in Greek houses. A longer residency requirement would bring students under the guidance of the Residence Life system and other caring and trained adults. Various forms of residential life should be offered to accommodate the various needs of students with different tastes, 利益, 个人习惯. (如果学生努力争取的话,他们总是可以获得豁免的.)

3)提高宿舍放生标准. 为了在财政上帮助希腊体系, 这所大学定期给二年级学生提供住在兄弟会和姐妹会的机会. Sophomores are generally less mature than junior and seniors and yet they are moving into housing with no adult supervision and many distractions. The University should raise the bar: to earn a release from the residency requirement a student should be at least a junior, 有一个GPA表明他/她可以在不那么结构化的环境中处理学术工作, 也没有严重违纪的记录. The University might also consider withdrawing releases from those students who do not live up to an AU standard of behavior for off-campus living.

4) Create an Alfred University set of standards for off-campus housing which landlords must meet or students will not be granted a release to live there. 大学应与当地房东和村庄合作,实施这样的守则, which would afford students better independent living experiences while simultaneously bringing more students into the community. (健康和安全检查, 当然, 仍在地方和州当局的管辖之下.)

5)增加特殊兴趣学院的数量,每个学院都有独特的教育重点. These have been a great success and should be expanded by utilizing some of the acquired fraternity and sorority houses. 就像希腊的房子一样, students living in special interest houses should have opportunities for leadership and the responsibility of running the house, 平衡预算, 调度事件, 协调活动和生活空间. Special interest houses also enable students who are otherwise shy in social situations to meet people and make friends on the basis of a common interest, affording them the opportunity to experience the close bonding that is one of the virtues of Greek living.

6)继续推动社区服务. 希腊生活的另一个优点是强调社区服务, 这对周边社区有帮助吗, 丰富学生生活, and (in the words of AU's 任务 Statement) prepare "them for a life of achievement and leadership.“在一些学校,社区服务是毕业的必修课.

7)在严格控制下,创造允许饮酒的校园社交空间. 随着兄弟会的消失,社会活动将需要重组. 从特别工作组收到的信件和电子邮件中可以清楚地看出这一点, 甚至来自那些批评希腊生活的人, that the system provides a necessary social alternative to the growing number of excellent on-campus activities. Almost every one of the 20 colleges we studied has created social space on campus for any and all organizations to use on a first come/first served basis, space that includes serving alcohol by third party vendors who are responsible for carding students.

这些建议结合了我们在其他大学读到的最好的东西和我们自己的想法. 目标是创造一个更积极的学生生活体验, 更有效地利用大学资源为全体学生服务, 并支持该地区的经济活力.