
因为这是一个基线研究, 我们没有信息告诉我们青少年是否认为枪支比过去更容易获得, 或者他们中有比以前更多的人有机会获得枪支. 青少年危险行为调查(2)表明在20世纪90年代, 携带枪支的学生减少了, 特别是, 携带枪支上学的学生更少了.

调查结果显示,61%的人“知道有人带枪到学校,24%的学生认为,“如果我想要一把枪,他们很容易就能弄到”,“令人不安的是,青少年认为武器很容易获得. 年轻人表示,枪支的明显易得已经产生了一些严重的影响. 根据卫生局局长2001年关于青少年暴力的报告, 1983年至1993年所谓的“暴力流行”与更多的年轻人携带枪支有关. “在这个时代, 立即获得武器, 尤其是枪械, 经常把愤怒的冲突变成严重的暴力或致命的冲突, 哪一个, 反过来以逮捕的形式引起了警方的注意.. That undercurrent of violent behavior could re-ignite into a new epidemic if weapons carrying rises again (3)."

问题 %同意
我知道如果孩子们想的话,他们可以带枪去学校. 61
只要我想,我很容易弄到枪. 24
我觉得学校里有些孩子可能会开枪. 37
我听说有人计划要枪杀别人. 19
我听到另一个孩子说要在学校开枪. 20
我想过在学校开枪杀人. 08
我有过在学校开枪杀人的想法. 10

Sixty-one percent of the respondents say they "know kids who could bring a gun to school if they wanted to."

  • 在那些说他们在学校感到不安全的人中, 这一比例跃升至74%, 但即使是那些认为学校安全或非常安全的人, 50%的人知道有人会带枪到学校.
  • Students with a low quality of life were more likely to say that they knew someone who could bring a gun to school than those with a high or medium quality of life.
  • Significantly more of those who said their neighborhoods had some or a lot of crime knew students who had access to guns than those who said they lived in safer neighborhoods.
  • 被疏远程度越高的受访者, 他们就越有可能说他们认识可能带枪来学校的孩子.
  • 年龄较大的学生比年龄较小的学生更有可能认识能接触到枪支的学生.
  • 70%的农村学生表示,他们知道有人会带枪到学校.
  • Students who live in the South were more likely to agree than those who live in the East (66 percent cf. 56%).
  • Those who said their mothers had a high school education or less (an indicator of lower socio-economic status) were also more likely to agree with the statement than those whose mothers had some college.



  • 在那些觉得在学校不安全的学生中,31%的人同意,如果他们想要一把枪,他们可以得到一把.
  • Those with a perceived low quality of life were also more likely to agree than those with a high quality of life (29 percent cf. 19%).
  • 在疏远指数高的人群中, 28%的人说他们可以买到枪, 相比之下,疏远指数低的人占20%.
  • Older students were three times more likely to have access to a gun than those in seventh and eighth grades.
  • 在农村学生中, 34%的人说他们可以买到枪, compared to 23 percent of those who live in urban areas and 20 percent of those who live in suburban areas.


  • 40%的女生认为学校里有人可能会开枪, 而男孩只有34%.
  • 低年级学生似乎没有11年级和12年级学生那么担心.
  • 白人学生也更有可能同意这一点. 40%的人表示,他们学校的学生可能会开枪杀人, 相比之下,26%的非裔美国学生这样做, 24%的西班牙裔学生和25%的少数族裔学生.
  • 44%的农村学生表示,他们的学校里有能够实施致命暴力的学生, 明显高于郊区学生和城市学生.
  • Students with high alienation indices and those with medium alienation indices were far more likely to agree than those with low alienation indices.
  • 那些在他们的社区有很多或一些犯罪的人, 45%的人表示,他们学校的学生可能会开枪杀人, 相比之下,31%的人说他们的社区没有犯罪.
  • Students who said they feel unsafe in school were more than twice as likely than those who feel safe at school to say there are kids in their school who might shoot someone.

五分之一的学生听说过学校里有人计划开枪杀人. This refers to the number of students who have heard rumors that one of their fellow students has a plan to shoot someone.

  • 23 percent of the girls say they have heard about someone in their school who has a plan to shoot someone, 相比之下,只有15%的男孩说他们听过这种谣言.
  • Older students are far more likely to say they have heard about someone with plans to shoot someone than students in seventh and eighth graders.
  • African-American students were the least likely to say they had heard about someone with a plan for lethal violence, 西班牙裔学生的可能性最大.
  • Students in rural schools are more likely to have heard such rumors; 23 percent say they have heard of someone with a plan to shoot someone, 相比之下,郊区学生的这一比例为18%,城市学生为19%.
  • Slightly more students who mostly get D's and F's agreed with the statement than did students who get better grades.
  • Students whose quality of life is low are more likely to say they have heard rumors of a plan for a shooting than those who have a high quality of life.
  • Students with a medium alienation index were more likely to say they had heard of someone planning to commit lethal violence than those with either low or high alienation indices.
  • Those who reported their neighborhoods have some or a lot of crime were more apt to have heard rumors about shootings than those who said their neighborhoods are safe.
  • 在那些说他们在学校感到不安全的人中, 30%的人听说过校园枪击计划的谣言, 相比之下,13%的人说他们在学校感到非常安全或非常安全.

20%的人表示,他们听到另一名学生在学校谈论枪击事件. This refers to the number of students who have directly overheard other students say they want to shoot someone at school.

  • Students in seventh and eighth grades were far less likely to say they had heard someone talking about shooting someone at school than those in 9th and 10th grades and those in 11th and 12th grades.
  • Hispanic students were least likely among the ethnic groups to say they had heard another student talking about using lethal violence.
  • Rural and urban students were more likely to have overheard another student talking about shooting someone than those who live in the suburbs.
  • Students who get mostly D's and F's in school were far more likely to have heard another student talking about shooting someone than those who get mostly A's, 或者大多是B和C.
  • Those with a low quality of life were twice as likely as those with a high quality of life index to say they had heard someone talking about shooting someone.
  • Highly alienated students were also more likely to agree with the statement than those with a medium alienation index or a low alienation index.
  • Students living in neighborhoods with more crime are more likely to say they have heard another student talk about carrying out a shooting at school.
  • 32 percent of the students who say they do not feel safe at school said they have heard another student talking about shooting someone, 相比之下,12%的人说他们在学校非常安全或非常安全.



(2) Youth Risk Behavior Survey is a national school-based survey conducted every two years by the 疾病控制和预防中心 in collaboration with federal, 州和地方合作伙伴.

(3) U.S. 卫生与公众服务部. (2001). 青少年暴力:外科医生的报告. 洛克维尔,马里兰州:美国.S. 卫生与公众服务部, 疾病控制和预防中心, National Center for Injury Protection and Control; Substance Abuse and Mental 健康 Services Administration, Center for Mental 健康 Services; and National Institutes of 健康, 国家心理健康研究所.